A Sacred Prayer Masterclass Experience

I’ve been diving deep into scripture since surrendering fully to God & going all in.
If you know me you know I’m an ALL IN type of girl.
After an extraordinary last year there still felt like something was missing…
…January felt like I was slipping into old ways of…
>> Pushing
>> Forcing
>> Comparing
Then I realised…
>> I made my mentors Gods
>> I made money my idol
>> I was bowing before the altar of my business…
…not God.
I said I was a God girl but was I really?
As my first mentor said to me:
“You can’t be half pregnant Malaine.”
Meaning… you either are with God or you are not.
Wait, what?
What & who was I standing with?
My prayer lately has been:
“Drop the veils of deception & allow me to see with the vision of God & kingdom eyes.”
The result? A fresh new view & perspective.
I have never ever felt so much clarity, peace & joy…
With the presence of so much unknown.

One word for 2024…
This is God fuelled, God led, Holy Spirit directed…
Be prepared to be amazed.
I have become a PRAYER WARRIOR
It changed my life...
Now I am supporting you to become one too...